Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I am not very good at this!

so I totally suck at this obviously. I decided that I have a little bit of time on my hands maybe I could update this. Well I might as well start with our summer.

Summer started with a ton of visiting family. We started having visitors on the 30th of June and continued up until the first week in September! It was a lot of work but a lot of fun as well. At one point we had 17 people in our house. That is including us though. We had a lot of fun playing rook and other great card games. Some of the down falls of this summer was that both Peyton and Kwynn broke their legs about a month apart! Ya it was crazy! The poor girls especially since both of the loved to swim. Another surprise is when Peyton decided to cut her own hair! Yes I cried! It was sooo long. So we decided to cut it all to about her chin. It looks super cute though and she loves having short hair. Needless to say we had an eventful summer.

On other news we are now expecting an addition to our family on May 26, 2012. I always have to remind myself on a daily basis why I am doing this but Gord's sister just had a baby boy and I remembered oh ya that is why!!!

My baby girl just turned two! I cannot believe how big she is getting. She is such a snuggle muffin and she always has a scowl for you if you look at her wrong. She has become VERY independent.

Peyton is her usual self but now she is turning into such a Mom. She likes to help Kwynn get dressed and she loves to put her down for a nap. She is definitely Mommies little helper.

Cooper is in grade one and LOVES it! He loves to read and is doing well with that. He is also turning 6 in two days! I cannot believe it.

Gord and I are doing well. We love the house that we live in and we are LOVING Kelowna! Gord has less then a year before he turns 30! I cannot believe how time flies!

Well I am not guarantee that I will update this very much but I will try more then once a year!!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011



so my blog about the cloth diapers was a little random. As most know, I am an avid on-line shopper. I came across this method of shopping when we moved out to Kelowna because everything here costs more and why would I want to go to the store when it came straight to my house. Anyway, one of my favorite bargin websites was having a contest and if you blogged about a product you got a sample and your name went in for a draw. Well I was hoping I would win if I did it just this once but no luck! Just wanted to clear that up.

So the past couple of weeks my children have been sick. When they are sick it means MOM does not sleep. But being able to spend that time with each child I would never trade for anything. Feeling soo needed is an amazing feeling and it reminds me of one of the reasons why I became a Mom. On Sunday we had someone in our ward stand up and bare his testimony. He talked about reading a report on happy people and it said the most happy people don't have kids and then he went on to say that he did not think that was true. I agree with him. Some of the happiest moments have been with my kids. The love that a mother has for her child is something sacred and amazing. When I think of my life before kids it is hard because that I have them I can never live without them. Sometimes, granted I just want to hide from them but when the say those three little words I just melt. I LOVE YOU. It is the best feeling in the world when you children tell you that. Lately Peyton and Cooper have had a habit of following me EVERYWHERE!!! So I usually ask them why they do this and their response is "because I love you." It is hard to argue with that!

Friday, February 25, 2011

New House

I am so excited to announce that we have bought our first and last house in Kelowna. This is it. This is the house that we are going to live in for the rest of our lives. This house has an amazing view during the day and an even better one at night. It has a ton of room and even more storage! The funny thing about this house is that it was an estate sale and the guy didn't want to clear everything out so we get all the furniture and a car that comes in it. Pretty much all the furniture is antique and I am sooo excited. My favorite feature besides the view is the HUGE kitchen with a lot of space, oh and the huge laundry room, oh and the storage, and the big living rooms, and the fireplaces. Ok there are a lot of great things about it and I am glad we found this house. If you want to see it you can go to I feel very blessed right now that we were able to get this house at a reasonable price. We were in the right place at the right time and it doesn't hurt that we pay our tithing! :) Anyway we get possession in the middle of April and I am totally psyched!!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Cloth Diapers

For those of you who have thought of using cloth diapers but are weary, I started using them and I looooove them. They have come a long way over the years and they are so much easier to use now. I found a great deal for them on They are going to have a huge sale on cloth diapers starting tomorrow February 22 and Wednesday February 23. Stop thinking about it and get them. They not only save you money in the long run but they are stylish and they are sooo easy to use. If you are interested go check them out on You won't regret it!!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My little artists

So I woke up this morning with my floors, walls and bathroom painted. I guess it was half my fault because I left the craft stuff in the laundry room but I was extremely surprised at the little artists I have on my hands. I don't know what was worse the big mess they made painting or the even bigger mess they made trying to clean it up without me noticing. It was one of those things that you just had to laugh at. I didn't even think to take pictures but the only evidence left is their ruined clothes. Oh well life goes on.

My baby girl is walking like crazy! I would like to thank Bre and Joel Walker's little guy Tyce for that. He and Kwynn were best buds when they were here for Christmas and she could not keep up unless she learned how to walk. So ta da she can walk. I cannot believe how big she is getting. Her new word is uh oh and whenever Gord gets home she says "Hi Dad!" It is so cute.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Cooper being Funny

So the kids got shots on Tuesday. Yes all Three of them. Anyway, Cooper did really well. He did not even cry. On our way out of the clinic I was telling him how well he did and he looked at me and said with all seriousness "Mom, I was crying in my mind." Oh the funny things that kids come up with. Thought I would share