Thursday, August 20, 2009


So I am terrible at this. Well here has been what out summer has been like so far. I took a little trip down to Raymond with Peyton and Cooper in my Aunt Michelle's 300. I seriously felt like a mobster. Well the kids were actually good. When we got there we went to Great Falls for three days and two nights. That is when I found out that Cooper apparently hates shopping. We did a little shopping and swam in the freezing cold pool. The kids had dun but I was not a fan of the water. We then made our way back to Raymond for the July first festivities. Cooper and Peyton loved the parade and of course everybody loved the food. Cooper also got to go and experience the Motocross. There were also fun games for the kids to participate in. After that Gord and I returned to Edmonton without the kids. That week was a good one. I got a lot of rest and we also got to find out that we are having a nother girl.

That weekend was Gord and My anniversary and we spent the night in Kananaskis village. It was beautiful. The next day i had a luxurious pregnancy massage. I recommend them to anyone who is preggers. We then went to Raymond again for my Grandma's 80th. It was a surprise party and was so much fun. After that we returned to Edmonton for two days. Just long enough to do laundry and pack then we headed back down to Southern Alberta. We stopped in Champion for a couple of day where Cooper attempted to water ski. He did pretty well for a three year old but I don't think that he will try again for a while. We then headed to Waterton for ten days. Waterton was a lot of fun for the kids. Not so much for someone who is pregnant and has allergies. Peyton finally got rid of her soother which wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. We just told her that we left her soother at Great grandma Ellis's house which was partly true.

After Waterton we went back to Raymond. We had a family reunion that weekend. The reunion was a ton of fun. There was skeet shooting, mutton busting, pig tackling, longest drive contest and some other crazy activities that I never would have thought would be performed at a family reunion. At the end of the night we had a program and fireworks. My kids were so tuckered out they fell asleep before it was home time.

Gord headed to Texas that Sunday and had to miss the reunion. The kids and I stayed in Raymond for a couple more days. One night the cousins and I went out to dinner and then to a movie. It was fun. My cousins from Australia then had to return to the land down under and we probably won't see them for another five years. Well we got back to Edmonton to start the next busy week.

It was Peyton's birthday on Tuesday the 11th. i cannot believe my baby turned two. We went to galaxy land and the kids had a blast. Peyton was so worn out that she fell asleep on the way home. On Wednesday the kids went to Gord's sister Nikki's wedding rehearsal and I headed to Calgary for the Lion king. I recommend that show to anyone. The costumes were amazing and the music was just as great. Friday came and we went to Nikki's wedding. Peyton was one of her Flower girls and Cooper was the ring barer. They look so adorable and Nikki looked amazing. The wedding was beautiful. After the wedding the kids were exhausted and slept in the next day. That was a nice change for once. After that whole week was over I finally have time to relax and catchup. Gord has now left to go on Young Men's camp and I have a little time to relax. Pictures of the summer will soon follow.

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